1.6.6 - Update more maps :)
1.6.5 - Add PK base and update mine map
1.6.4 - Fix downloads page.
1.6.3 - Update maps for Plunder / 1.3 - thanks Ahtu! As well, reorganize map headings to reduce clutter.
1.6.2 - Added new maps from Ahtu (Merchant, Mining Frigate, and WIP raider mode versions, as well as updates to Penal and Colony Cruiser)
1.6.1 - Added gate controls for Spaceport and Navy Outpost.
1.6.0 - Added new colony cruiser map from DeepBake. Updated Colony Cruiser map from Ahtu to include POI icon.
Optimized load times for the site so it doesn't always preload every image. This is better...?! I think.
1.5.4 - Updated Mine map w/ new version from Ahtu. Added Ahtu's marked Terraformer map.
1.5.3 - Added Colony Cruiser map
1.5.2 - Add map previews to maps
1.5.1 - Fix/update Penal Colony map
1.5.0 - Added Penal Colony map (thanks Ahtu!)
1.4.5 - Adding manual download page for maps.
1.4.4 - Add additional devmode toggles for icons.
1.4.3 - Fix credit on maps
1.4.2 - Edit new maps to be horizontal for Navy and SP
1.4.1 - Regroup and fix spelling for old maps.
1.4.0 - Added Textbox system and some tools to use it. Expanded icon system.
Fixes: fix for window scaling POIs, export/load system.
1.3.1 - Added new map for SP/Navy, enabled textboxes in dev mode, still not fully working.
1.3.0 - Added new Spaceport map. Added map categories for each raid.
1.2.0 - Added Terraformer, Asteroid Mine maps
1.1.0 - Added POIs / Dev mode (11/13/22)
1.0.0 - Initial Release (10/27/22)